Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's Official!

We closed on our lot today in Woodlake South II in Benton. I liked it better when we knew we were getting one & didn't have to start paying on it. We are excited, but scared about building a house. It involves a whole lot of decisions that we have to make... Hope Daniel & I can do it with out killing each other. The final plans are being drafted now!!!
Also, want to share a story about Hudson. I got a call last night from Coach Randy. He was Hudson's tball coach last year & is also going to coach their team this season, which starts in a few weeks. We love Randy, Kimberly, and their precious kids- Ava & Eason. Ava has been in Hudson's class since they were newborns. Randy called last night to tell me that Ava came home from school on Wednesday & said that she and Hudson were going to get married. She also told her Daddy that she & Hudson kissed on the lips on the playground at school. Needless to say, Daniel had a BIG talk with him last night!!! Never thought I would be hearing that my child was kissing at school when he was five or almost five....
Loving his Superman PJ's!!! Thanks Ally & Will.
Notice the rolled pants. My poor short little man!

Recent pic of my sweet babies!

Avery pigging out at Bryce's Fireman Party

Hudson & Ava


  1. I am soooo excited that y'all are building a house!! That's so great. And I love that sweet story!

  2. Yay girl didnt know yall were planning on building!! Congrats!! So funny about Hudson just doesnt seem right that our boys are growing that fast!!

  3. Woohoo! Now if we can just get our house sold...
