Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thanksgiving in Arka!

We had a great time in Arkansas for Thanksgiving. Our kids always have a blast because there are always kids to play with! They had so much fun wrestling, playing house, picking up pecans and fighting over LSU/Arka. We have so many things to be thankful for this year. I have to share a Hudson story from today... We have been talking for the last few weeks about going to help feed the homeless with our church in downtown Shreveport. We weren't sure when the church would go again. It ended up being today, which happened to be one of our best friend child's birthday. We gave Hudson the choice to go feed the homeless or to go to Annabelle's birthday party. He said that he wanted to go help give the people food, because it would make Jesus's heart happy. (He did ask if Mrs. Emily would still give him a goodie bag! Lol) Like most parents, we try SO hard to teach our kids to be humble & have compassion. We also know that we have to teach our children to serve others. I took Avery Claire to Annabelle's party & Daniel took Hudson to serve. He said that he did a great job with everyone there. Hudson has talked & talked about it. We are going to do our best to try to do this once a month when our church goes.

1 comment:

  1. Pics are great! So proud of Hudson. That story brought tears to my eyes. Blessed are those who serve. Never ever too early to start.
