We are already crazy busy with school, church, dance, cub scouts & our soccer season for both kids starts this week, but I wouldn't have it any other way! Hudson is doing GREAT in first grade. He has all As so far! The homework is ALOT & when people say first grade is when school gets hard... they aren't lying! He has a good bit of homework every night, but most of what he is learning is all new. They jumped right in! So proud of how well he is doing at Legacy. Avery Claire, on the other hand, is a MESS! I have a new "Avery story" every day. Yes- they would be hilarious if she wasn't my child. She has been in trouble a ton at Providence. You name it... she has done it. Here are just a few things that come to mind.... She has washed her hair with soap in the sink at school & had to go to the office, she pushed a "big" boy down at school & when I asked why she said "he was in my way", she told me that her brain told her to hit Ella at school so she did. The thing that has her in the most trouble at school is FITS. She is such a perfectionist! If her picture is not colored perfectly before they go to the next activity she throws a major fit. Every teacher the child has ever had has told me how everything has to be perfect or she can't stand it... We definitely see it at home all the time. I PRAY we will get through this stage soon. The Principle at Providence is precious. Avery Claire has already been to visit him 3 times this year (keep in mind that we have only been in school 3 weeks). She loves him, Mr. Davis. Avery always tells me that he prays with her & gives her a high five when she has to go to the office. I want him to SCARE her to death so she will STOP wanting to go see him. One time the teacher even gave her a choice to lay on her nap mat or go see the principle. She picked to go to the office.... I am very happy with Providence in regards to the Christian environment. They pray with her every time she gets in trouble, so she is getting lots of time to talk to the Lord! Lol. She starts soccer this week, which I have a feeling will be a complete nightmare. We will see! I am looking forward to both kid's soccer teams, because we have great friends on both teams! The crazy thing is that at home, Avery is our easy one. She plays so well by herself & normally is really sweet to us. She is SO SUPER loving! Hudson is the one who is great at school, but is way more needy at home... Oh well, we are blessed to have both of them. The Lord teaches Daniel & I something new everyday with them. I also posted some pictures of all the kiddos last weekend at my mom's house in Arkansas. The kids are non-stop when we are there, because there are always a million kids there.
My Sweet Tiger Cub on his way to Chickfila to sell Popcorn |
Macy & Avery Claire after DANCE!!! |
Vicki's Dance Watch Day- "POSE" |
Hudson & Will at Nanny's house |
Hudson holding our new precious Baby Jax |
Our LSU Tigers! |
All of the little ones, but baby Jaxon is covered up by his Big Sister, Ava |