Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Funny Avery Story!

This actually happened last week, but it is too funny not to share! Avery has a new teacher in her room as of last week. She has been at the center before, so I know her. She asked Avery where in the world she got her red hair from since her Mama had dirty blonde hair? Both teachers told me that Avery hopped up & ran across the room & said "My Mama is not a dirty Mama. She is a clean Mama. You have a dirty Mama"! So proud of my fiesty red head for taking up for me! lol. At least somebody has my back.


  1. That a girl!! Love how they take everything literally:).

  2. No she di-int! I LOVE that kid!

  3. I seriously laughed out loud!!! That is awesome! Love her and I've never even met her!!! Miss you!
